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Hi, I'm new and I am still trying to understand how this works. I checked my activity login in Instagram, and noticed some weird locations. I tried to access them with this helper, but it's still redirecting me to the copyright page. Is it possible to see the full location (zoomed) with this? If so, how? How can I get the ID of the location from the activity login? I'd appreciate any clarification or help.


asked 23 Jul '20, 04:57

andygarciasoto's gravatar image

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If you're trying to investigate a problem with Instagram and you're getting directed to OpenStreetMap, that's a bug with whichever Instagram app or webpage you're using. It wouldn't be the first time that it had happened - some time ago all Instagram map user issues, most of which were nothing to do with us, were being sent directly to OpenStreetMap (which was, as a member of the team here that received those messages, annoying). That issue was resolved but took some considerable time to sort out.

If you've got a problem with Facebook or Instagram you'll need to raise it with them. At OpenStreetMap we have no control over those applications. I'll mention this help question somewhere where there might be Facebook people reading (in OSM US' Slack instance) but I'm pretty sure it's not the direct problem of anyone who might see it there - Facebook is a very large company with many different tentacles and people working there can't possible know how to fix something in a completely different area of the business.

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answered 23 Jul '20, 15:30

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

thank you so much for that, really appreciate it. That's what I thought, I don't understand why enabling that function in their app if it's not gonna work properly and I know is their fault, they are sending wrong coords or not even sending them, something like that. But ok, opening a support ticket with them is not an option, they have the worst support. Please let me know if someone replies to you and thank you again!

(23 Jul '20, 16:30) andygarciasoto

Hi Andy,

Thanks for bringing up this issue. We may need more information to conduct further investigation. Please feel free to use to send the issue through.

Best, Jesspher

(23 Jul '20, 19:41) Jesspher

Hi Jesspher, already sent the email. Thanks for reaching out!

(24 Jul '20, 01:48) andygarciasoto

My instagram page not showing my location and it showing some 2 locations at a time I'm worried that my page was got hacked or something please help me

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answered 24 Jul '20, 07:59

Lolakshi's gravatar image

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Olá, sou nova aqui e ainda estou tentando entender como isso funciona. Tive meu celular iPhone roubado no dia 30/12/2022 e fiz boletim de ocorrência, mas fui orientada pela polícia a não trocar e nem bloquear nenhuma rede social pois poderíamos ter informações através do histórico de atividades já que o ladrão está tendo acesso ao meu Instagram. Hoje Verifiquei meu login de atividade no Instagram e notei uma atividade feita no meu Instagram que não foi eu. Tentei acessar com este auxiliar, mas ainda está me redirecionando para a página de direitos autorais. É possível ver a localização completa (ampliada) com isso? Em caso afirmativo, como? Como posso obter o ID do local no login da atividade? Agradeceria qualquer esclarecimento ou ajuda, isso ajudará muito!


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answered 03 Jan '23, 00:31

Gessiane%20Brito's gravatar image

Gessiane Brito
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question asked: 23 Jul '20, 04:57

question was seen: 9,799 times

last updated: 12 Jan '23, 13:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum