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We have several smaller hiking routes close to villages, that are used for recreational purposes. They have often names like "R1" or "Rosenweg", and start and end at parking lots or the border of a the village. I would like to add these to OSM, so that one can refer to them easily. How do I perform this in the best way? They are using already existing ways and roads, but most of the time only parts of them. Do I need to split those lines and assign a new attribute or tag to those parts that are part of such a round trip? But maybe this is something that is not in the scope of OSM? (because I could not find an example so far)

asked 22 Jul '20, 11:03

NewBee's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Use a hiking route relation for each route. Add existing ways to the relation, splitting them where the route diverges from the way if necessary. Take a look at existing routes which are shown on Waymarked Trails (

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answered 22 Jul '20, 13:04

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

After you have created the relations (one for each designated route such as A1; A1 etc. check your relation(s) using the OSM Route Manager and once it is correct view it on Lonvia's website at for example!50.5988!6.958

(23 Jul '20, 19:47) dcp

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question asked: 22 Jul '20, 11:03

question was seen: 1,185 times

last updated: 23 Jul '20, 19:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum