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I want to get a list of Chinese names of ways in Guangdong.

  1. Using Overpass API, I have found ways that have name and do not have name:zh. Is this standard for OSM data?
  2. I have also found ways that have name in Traditional Chinese (rather than Simplified Chinese, as observed for name:zh elsewhere), a name:yue in ad-hoc/non-standard Cantonese romanization (improper according to the OSM wiki), and do not have name:zh. Is this standard for OSM data?`

If so,

  1. What is the recommended way for getting Chinese names?

If not,

  1. What is to be done to add name:zh?
  2. What is to be done with the improper name:yue? What can I do, or which community members can I contact?

Overpass API query for 2.:

[out:csv(::id, "name", "name:yue", "name:en"; true; "       ")][timeout:25];

relation(911844);map_to_area->.mySearchArea; ( way ["name:yue"] [!"name:zh"] (area.mySearchArea) ; )->.myWays;

.myWays out tags;

asked 21 Jul '20, 00:37

tpko156's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jul '20, 00:38

In general there is no requirement that if the name tag is in a specific language the corresponding language tag exists with the same name. Particularly when we are talking about objects, in this case roads, that likely only have a name in the local language and there will be no other entries.

Outside of that it is up to the local community what they "always" wanted to add, which in the case of China is naturally a bit difficult. As to name:yue : if the values can be generated mechanically, it makes little sense to add them, which however doesn't man that mass deleting them is necessary or a good idea.

permanent link

answered 21 Jul '20, 06:10

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 21 Jul '20, 00:37

question was seen: 1,114 times

last updated: 21 Jul '20, 06:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum