I am not sure if I am calling the structure correctly or not, but I mean such kind of structures which are made on roads: In many cases, such structures are not historical monuments. |
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I am not sure if I am calling the structure correctly or not, but I mean such kind of structures which are made on roads: In many cases, such structures are not historical monuments. |
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question asked: 20 Jul '20, 10:10
question was seen: 995 times
last updated: 30 Aug '22, 20:01
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
What are they meant to show? Are they territorial limits or commemorative in any way?
In this particular case, it is entrance. In other cases, I am not sure. Sometimes it is just on the road, in the middle of city, maybe the entrance of a neighborhood, but still not all the time.
hi. we're talking about something related, in the new community site: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/how-to-tag-an-arch-symbolising-entry-to-area/2273/