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How can i change the name of a cycle path on the map?

asked 15 Jul '20, 17:31

GJSZeewolde's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Go to, look for the cycle path you want to rename, click on "Edit" on the top left. When editor loads (you will get a short built-in tutorial), click on the cycle path and on the left column change the name. Then, click "Save" button on top-right.

If you have further doubts, you can find the Beginners' guide on the wiki.

permanent link

answered 15 Jul '20, 18:54

Mannivu's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

How do i select that part of the cycle path that got the new name?

(15 Jul '20, 19:30) GJSZeewolde

If there's only a part that has changed the name, click or create a node where the way changes name, and, with the node selected, click on the scissor button to split the way. Then, click the part with the new name and change the name.

(15 Jul '20, 19:32) Mannivu
  • it was a crossing of cycle paths, the top part has got new name, i divided the cyclepaths on the crossing in four parts, i only changed the name of top part and already saved the change, is there a check of this change?
(15 Jul '20, 20:10) GJSZeewolde

Your changeset has already been saved and the database has already been edited. If you don't see the changes as soon as you've made them, that's because tile servers needs some time to update. But don't worry, the edit has been made. If you want someone to check your future edita, you can click the "I want someone to verify my edits" checkbox just above the "Cancel/Edit" buttons when you are saving. Owever, some check tools, like OSMChA, will tag your recent edit as a "New mapper" so that other users know that if you have made some mistakes, that's because of inexperience.

(15 Jul '20, 20:19) Mannivu

i am a new user and i have already been contacted by a Dutch person, thanks for the help

(15 Jul '20, 20:29) GJSZeewolde

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question asked: 15 Jul '20, 17:31

question was seen: 1,103 times

last updated: 15 Jul '20, 20:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum