In OSM policies,I saw "Heavy use" clause in policy Requirements. Could you please provide us some more details with respect to usage of MAP. How can we quantify or measure our usage and check our usage is heavy or not? So that OSM will not block our application. |
The page that you link to says "heavy use" twice. One is in this sentence:
and another is here:
Presumably it's the second one that you're referring to. The "e.g." part explains the sort of thing that might cause a problem - you distribute an app and encourage people to use it, so lots of people who you have no control of might download your app and try and download lots of data (until they are all blocked). For completeness, further down it also says:
Can you explain what you are planning to do, and also perhaps why you are planning to use OSM's tile servers rather than creating your own? (edit) After reading another question of yours it would appear that "distributing an app that uses tiles from" is exactly what you are planning to do. Don't do that - you'll get blocked. Create your own tiles and use those instead.
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