Good afternoon, I apologize for this question but I can't find instructions anywhere. I would like to use one of these styles: Unfortunately, I don't know what to do. I'm confused, thank you for your answers. |
The styles are for use with OpenMapTiles vector tiles. To use them you need a source of such vector tiles, and a method to serve them to your application/browser (typically vector tiles are converted to images client-side, that is in your browser or app). Googling for vector tiles will return a lot of material that doesn't make sense to repeat here. 1
To be fair "Googling for vector tiles" without some knowledge of the history of Mapbox, OpenMapTiles and the other stuff that throws up, like Mapzen, isn't going to be tremendously useful on its own. The best documentation that I'm aware of is actually linked to that page and the corresponding Mapbox page. Whether it's the right solution for you largely depends on what you're trying to do, and as we don't know that it's difficult to help more.
(15 Jul '20, 18:51)
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