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here is a boules court that was created ages ago

alt text

but it still does not show up on the map:


why would I bother adding such features if they don't show up?

I'm doing this for the average user, not for users that write software that exploits the OSM database...

couldn't there at least some generic icon be presented? there is one on the editor... what is the sense of providing a GUI to enter data, but not for displaying it?

asked 13 Jul '20, 09:25

alexander%20duytschaever's gravatar image

alexander du...
accept rate: 0%

For completeness, the actual node is I believe . Lots of maps use OSM data, and some I'm sure will use icons for pitches that are added as nodes. The "standard" map is just one of many. The tiles that you see at show the name of your pitch but no icon. Perhaps that is because they expect people to map pitches as areas, not nodes, and with an area the colour makes it obvious that it's a pitch. That map style is maintained by volunteers over at, you can ask over there about how it shows things.

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answered 13 Jul '20, 11:09

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Looking at with the Potlatch2 editor i could not find any areas or buildings with that name. The green area called flamingostroat does show. Naming a residential area or a street a building or adding the address information to some of the buildings should solve the issue on the standard map.

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answered 13 Jul '20, 10:41

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 13 Jul '20, 11:07

it shouldn't matter with which editor the data was added (in this case the default that comes with OSM). the data should show up in the default OSM webpages.

potlatch is Flash that not all browsers use; please try with the default editor ("iD").

(13 Jul '20, 10:59) alexander du...

Did you map a node or an area?

(13 Jul '20, 11:04) andy mackey

It common in the UK to call building complexes Court and in the UK we play Bowls. I looked again at the Ariel and the two buildings huts?? and then i got it, Sports pitch. I have used Potlatch2 for nine years and i'm more familiar with it, I have used JOSM and iD but i hope to be able to continue with Potlatch2 using a flash alternative in the future. Happy Mapping and Bouleing

(13 Jul '20, 11:26) andy mackey

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question asked: 13 Jul '20, 09:25

question was seen: 1,594 times

last updated: 13 Jul '20, 11:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum