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Hello, Since 2000, there is no way for cars to cross from Rue des Fleurs to Creux de la Quère in Courrendlin CH. Only pedestrians. How can I correct this mistake in OSM ?

Please see pictures : Best regards Didier

The barrier

Location of the barrier

asked 11 Jul '20, 09:49

dstadel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Note that while Street View can be a useful illustration, it can't be used as a source for OSM.

(11 Jul '20, 12:58) InsertUser

As you can see from this routing example cars are already forbidden to take that path. However, you could add the tag motor_vehicle=no or motorcar=no to the path to be sure every routing engine won't make cars pass on that path.

You can add a node with the tag barrier=fence. I'm not sure if you can add foot=yes bicycle=yes tags so that only pedestrians and bikes can pass through. However, according to the StreetView image you provided, I can see on the left of the fence that there's a little gate like that in my beautiful painting below. If there's a gate, you could add a node with barrier=fence foot=yes bicycle=yes tags.alt text

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answered 11 Jul '20, 12:47

Mannivu's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 11 Jul '20, 13:44


I think the picture faces west from the hooked portion on the right of the satellite image.

(11 Jul '20, 13:25) InsertUser

Yeah, you're right. I thought StreetView picture was facing north.

(11 Jul '20, 13:26) Mannivu

It looks to me like there's something odd near the pole there. Might be barrier=cycle_barrier. Either way needs a site visit due to source ©.

(11 Jul '20, 14:45) InsertUser

I agree. I suggested the generic barrier=gate since I can't understand what type of gate it is from the picture. But as InsertUser suggests, dstadel should go visit the site or leave a note.

(11 Jul '20, 18:18) Mannivu

You can add the barrier to the road, and potentially convert a small section of that road to pedestrian for the routers that don't recognise barriers.

A list of barrier features is available here. It needs to be placed so that it is on a node that is part of the way that is blocked but not on ways that aren't. I.e. Not on the intersection unless all routes through the intersection are blocked.

The road segment could be highway=path or =footway.

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answered 11 Jul '20, 13:21

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

I'm not sure about the pedestrian way, since there's no actual pedestrian way there.

(11 Jul '20, 13:35) Mannivu

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question asked: 11 Jul '20, 09:49

question was seen: 1,265 times

last updated: 11 Jul '20, 18:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum