hi i wanna take parent ways of some way three times, its possible with this method https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/id.json https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/ways.json but i must send request 6 time to get my desire result can i make it one request with overpass api ? btw , if would be awesome if add nearest highway to result :D
thx for helping |
Could you expand/clarity. Post the overpass routines. What's in id.json & ways.json? What does "three times" mean?
its an way id , through this way i take first parent node
through this i take first parent way
i do this three times to get parent ways
"three times" i want take parent of way1 which is for example way2, and take parent of way2 which is way3 , and take parent of way3 which is way4
and nearest secondary way and end
There are neither parent ways not parent nodes in the OSM data model.
Ways -do- have member nodes (which carry the geometry), and a specific node can be a member of multiple ways, typically, but not always, are junctions and connections between ways (where the the end node of a way will be an end node of another way).