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Всем привет. Сегодня в плане подготовки к походу в Архыз заметил, что известное озеро ВЕРХНЯЯ ЗАПЯТАЯ
( N43.46039 E41.22648 ) переименовано в о.САПОЖОК. разве ТАК МОЖНО ДЕЛАТЬ!!

asked 05 Jul '20, 18:49

Vasiliy%20Fomichev's gravatar image

Vasiliy Fomi...
accept rate: 0%

Do you have a link to the specific item that has been modified? If you are not confident you can revert the issue yourself, or the vandalism reappears, the DWG should be able to help.

(05 Jul '20, 20:17) InsertUser

If you write in the browser’s search page or in the YouTube search, you’ll read and see many hiking reports that mention Lake ВЕРХНЯЯ ЗАПЯТАЯ . Also on older versions of OSM maps, for example, the OSM MAP TOURIST NOVEMBER 2017. Downloading in July the last maps of Karachay-Cherkessia I discovered that this lake is called САПОЖОК

(06 Jul '20, 08:04) Vasiliy Fomi...

Do I have the right to return the former name to this lake, or should I contact DWG for help

(06 Jul '20, 08:28) Vasiliy Fomi...

If you see something that you're sure is wrong you can put it right. The editor seems to have kept the original name as alt_name which seems unusual to me for pure vandalism, but doesn't rule it out. The edit history for the user that made the edit might hint whether this was a mistake or ongoing misbehaviour. If the user continually makes bad edits or is hostile when messaged the DWG can help with clean up or to mediate disputes.

(06 Jul '20, 16:54) InsertUser

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question asked: 05 Jul '20, 18:49

question was seen: 481 times

last updated: 06 Jul '20, 16:54

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