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Can anyone tell me an HTML/CSS method of adding a radius to a map embed code that will put a circle around a central point on that map. For example, here is my store and I will deliver in this radius (20km for example) I know this can be done in Google maps, but is there a similar option in OSM?

asked 04 Jul '20, 17:00

Midrob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There are a variety of tools used to display OpenStreetMap data on websites. If you could indicate which you intend to use this may help people respond to your query.

(04 Jul '20, 18:42) InsertUser

The intended use is to have the location of a business centred on a panel onsite, say 800px x 400px wide, and to then have a circle around that location, to a scale, say 20km/miles, and to have the circle with an opacity setting so you can see the map under it. This circle would enclose a delivery area. See how Google do something similar.

Can this be done in OSM ? A circle, not a polygon. Google suggestion on this

(05 Jul '20, 16:51) Midrob

You can use leafletJS to display the map and than use the following leaflet codeline adjusted to your needs:[lat,lng], radius).addTo(map);

See this for more:

permanent link

answered 05 Jul '20, 18:18

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 05 Jul '20, 18:22

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question asked: 04 Jul '20, 17:00

question was seen: 5,119 times

last updated: 05 Jul '20, 19:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum