The OSQA instance that powers this forum is broken. The "powered by" link leads to a domain-squatter (apparently; it is blocked entirely by uMatrix, but Google's result blurb for the site appears to be a squatter), and I am unable to leave comments (or answers? ...haven't tried yet) due to the broken and privacy-invading way that jQuery is loaded. OSM's trac is deprecated and I did not find a github project for this forum specifically. |
A quick web search suggests a few issues, including here. For the avoidance of doubt, the problem isn't that people don't know that there is a problem; it is that no-one has volunteered to fix it (in any one of several possible ways, including non-technical options like "migrate to Stack Overflow"). |
Commenting appears to work now. It seems to have been a transient problem.
Or more precisely, it was fixed in this commit
That's a long "transient" problem.