Certain properties to which I have nodes, don't seem to be showing on the map:- 1) Ruins (one placed a couple of years ago by Chris Parker, a very regular contributor does not show) 2) Stiles - I placed some of these on footpaths I added a couple of days ago but they don't show. 3) Kissing gates - ditto An ordinary gate I placed at the same time is showing on the map just fine, as is a separate ancient monument (not placed as a ruin) and a car park. Why don't they show when the map has been rendered?
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(not a direct answer to your question but...) Whenever I create walking maps for my own use I'll include all sorts of stiles and gates (and also the legal "designation" of paths), which Mapnik doesn't render but for example Freemap does), so please keep adding them! I'll also include ruins too. |
At present the Mapnik renderer does not show styles and kissing gates. (They have been requested in the past, but have not been added yet.) Osmarender shows gates and stiles but does not show kissing gates. Cycle Map does not show any of them. |
Please provide example links to those objects.
Hopefully this will show an example:- http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.593062&lon=-1.862417&zoom=18&layers=M There should be 3 stiles here - one on each side of the railway plus another
And here:- http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=50.13853&lon=-5.5769&zoom=17&layers=M I added the footpath and the car park, which both show on the rendered map, and the Celtic Chapel, a ruin, which doesn't show. The Madron Well which was added by Chris Parker a couple of years ago, also a ruin, does not show either.
Now, if you look here:- http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=50.148483&lon=-5.635984&zoom=18&layers=M there are two archaeological POIs - one called Covered Chamber which I added, and another called Chun Castle, which somebody else added. Both of these are rendered.
Surely, if a POI type is included in Potlatch, it should be shown on the rendering? Otherwise there's no point in having it in the editor in the first place?
Not at all. OpenStreetMap data can be used by many different projects and in many different styles. The default Mapnik style is only one of them. Other styles exist, not just Osmarender and OpenCycleMap on the main site, but also hundreds of other map styles, routing programs, and more.
As an editor, Potlatch enables you to create data suitable for all of these. The cartographic choices made for one particular layer are of no concern to it.
IMHO the default style should be to show everything. Specialist styles such as cycling applications would not show, for example, paths with stiles and/or kissing gates or motorways.
There is really a lot you can add to OSM, showing everything is just too much for some areas. Although a little bit more flexible rendering would be nice.
"IMHO the default style should be to show everything". Are you bonkers? :)
A map that shows everything would be completely unreadable. Postbox reference codes? Waterway asset ids? NaPTAN codes? US Census TIGER codes?
No, exactly. One of the reasons OSM has got so much traction is that the default style is put together by qualified cartographers (the chairman of the Society of Cartographers is the prime mover) to look attractive and be useful at the same time.
If you want to see everything, just click 'Edit' or open the data layer.