I want to check, survey and collect missed addressees. I have printed screen grabs and tried Walking Papers but the existing numbers are not very clear. I think the standard rendering would be clearer with less coloured in areas. Any ideas. Can I request a more white background version of OSM. comment ... on Isertusers comment. I usually concentrate on walking and footpaths but the lock down got me walking local streets, i don't want to delete any apps off my (low memory) Android to make space but that would probably be a sensible solution. I surveyed this afternoon with a pencil and paper creating gpx way points ( with a Garmin Oregon 650) with Street letter prefix and the house number that needed recording which should work. Thanks All. |
This is fundamentally because the rendered maps are optimised for viewing on a screen and not on paper. Basically font sizes and amount of detail all need tweaking for a paper-oriented style. I'd suggest looking at OSM on Paper (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_on_Paper - originally I placed a link to this node herehttps://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1154244400 ) or rolling your own style using QGIS (there are a number of existing stylesheets for QGIS which could be adapted). Thanks, I had to delete the ")," to get the link to work. I know the standard layer ( the only one with numbers) works with a bright screen but my old eyes and specs make reading not very black on non white backgrounds a pet hate. I would love a rendering version with a similar colour scheme to Ordnance Survey or the Russian Maps the designers of both seem to have come to the same conclusion that white is good, from opposite sides of the iron curtain. It saves ink when printing as well!
(30 Jun '20, 14:22)
andy mackey
You'd probably want a map style that's more different to OSM's standard style than just being more black and white, as SK53's link to the former Overdraught pub makes clear. Many OSM map styles don't show house numbers at all if there is an icon that can be shown instead. Would something like https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/StreetComplete be an option? that's not on paper of course, but it might help.
(30 Jun '20, 18:01)
SomeoneElse ♦
Have corrected link, but left original there to help make sense of SomeoneElse's comment
(01 Jul '20, 10:18)
SK53 ♦
Does you need a paper based solution? StreetComplete's not bad for highlighting houses without numbers.