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Does anyone know if there is a bare bones copy of OpenTopoMap without any labels (ex. for mountains) or human elements (ex. roads) baked in? While the thought is appreciated, the labels typically render themselves in poor resolution and interfere with overlying content and have no option to disable in the OpenTopoMap settings. Meanwhile, the roads, particularly FSRs, are incorrect or outdated.

Would the renderer kindly consider publishing a plain topographic map without any anthropogenic or textual content? Otherwise, the geographic symbology is superb.

Alternatively, is there a way to access the OpenTopoMap baselayer file to manually make changes? Even if it, or a section, could be cloned for offline use it would be terrific.

asked 30 Jun '20, 07:05

KFOB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Jun '20, 07:07

As those are raster tiles, you can't change what you see.

Only way would be to get hold of the cartoCSS/mapnik style files here (see licence, haven't checked), work on them to remove all labels etc. and than render them on your own.

permanent link

answered 30 Jun '20, 10:08

Spiekerooger's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 30 Jun '20, 10:08

Gotcha, thanks for the input! Looks like it's a pretty intensive undertaking.

Quick question in reference to the Virtual Computer Requirements: "Generation 2 Memory: 32000MB (not dynamic) Virtual Harddisk: 1024GB"

What does Generation 2 refer to? Does 'Memory' here refer to 32 GB of RAM? Is the 1024 GB of space for the virtual harddisk for the Ubuntu server? Is that a kind of system partition?

(01 Jul '20, 23:31) KFOB

Those requirements sound pretty dated, at least if it's for planet (will work for a smaller region/excerpt imho). Generation 2 probably means DDR2, by that you see what I mean by "dated". For a planet covering map, you would at least need 64 GB of mem and (more than) 1TB ssd for the postgresql database and up to 2TB for the mod_tile cache.

(07 Jul '20, 09:29) Spiekerooger

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question asked: 30 Jun '20, 07:05

question was seen: 4,911 times

last updated: 07 Jul '20, 09:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum