Hi OSM-ers, –bdijkstra 24 Jun 2020 17:50 (CEST): |
There is no yearly Wikidata import in OSM. Someone once added a lot of Wikidata tags in a more or less automated fashion. If the Wikidata entries for Haava Küla=Q3457278 and Haava-Tsäpsi=Q3045972 got mixed up, anyone can change this at any time. But as far as I can see, they link to the correct Wikidata item. When I click on the coordinates on the Wikipedia page you link to and then click on OSM, I see the exact same object as in Haava Küla. When I click on the map you refer to, I see an empty map of Estonia without rivers. If you mean that the little pin on the map on the right is incorrect, then I would expect it is Wikipedia data that is incorrect. |
Where are you getting your "correct" coordinates? Could those be in error?
I'm not aware of any ongoing imports for WikiData (although OSM does try to crosslink) the OSM wiki page has a big "Check License" warning.