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as I understood, the project is available for commercial use, and we should make a donation if we should use it, am I right ?

My needs are quite simple (only API calls from back office): - geocode European addresses (especially in France+DromCom) to get Lat/Long from a literal address - compute the car route between two coordinates, regardless of the traffic

Does these API already exist ?

If I plan to use about up to 100k call a day, could you advice me on the best approach (ie : use openstreetmap on a OnPremise server, what about SLA etc ...)

asked 23 Jun '20, 14:57

Nico69330's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You have to differentiate between the use of the data (always free and under ODbL license) and the use of computing services (limited resource, funded through donations, operated by volunteers). 100k calls a day is definitely more than we can accept on the free computing services made available by the project, and we cannot take donations in exchange for more server use.

The services you want to use are Nominatim (for geocoding) and a routing service like OSRM or Graphhopper. The free, community-run versions of these services are and

If you want to use these services with the intensity you mention, you should either install the software on your own systems (everything is Open Source and free of charge), or buy the service from a commercial provider. Our wiki has a list of companies in various regions offering these services:

permanent link

answered 23 Jun '20, 15:04

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 23 Jun '20, 15:04

Thank you for your quick feedback I'll have a check on this

permanent link

answered 23 Jun '20, 15:34

Nico69330's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Jun '20, 14:57

question was seen: 2,145 times

last updated: 23 Jun '20, 15:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum