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I am writing my master's thesis and want to add a map of the area where I handed out surveys. I took a screenshot of the map area, added labels to a few buildings, a legend, and a compass point. I didn't alter the base map in any way.

The reference style I have to use is a short citation under the figure, which allows readers to find the full reference at the end of the thesis. My citation would be: (Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, 2015), and the full reference would be: OpenStreetMap contributors. (2015). [Map of Húsavík harbour]. Planet dump [Data file from 2020]. Retrieved from [link to map area I took the screenshot from]. Terms available at

Is this sufficient for the attribution? I've seen it mentioned that the citation should be in the acknowledgement section, but for my thesis style, that wouldn't count as giving credit. I could add something like "I would like to thank OpenStreetMap and its contributors for their openly available map data."

Thank you!

asked 23 Jun '20, 07:33

Erin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The "standard style" layer is licensed on CC BY-SA 2.0 terms till the end of this month, if your screen shot is from that layer you should be pointing that out in the attribution (see the copyright page for details). Outside of that it's fine.

permanent link

answered 23 Jun '20, 08:23

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you very much!

permanent link

answered 23 Jun '20, 19:57

Erin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Jun '20, 07:33

question was seen: 2,181 times

last updated: 23 Jun '20, 19:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum