Below is the stalled process $ osm2pgsql -a --slim -e10-15 -d gis --flat-nodes /var/data/flat_nodes.bin --cache 2000 --number-processes 8 -G --hstore --tag-transform-script /home/postgresql/osm/openstreetmap-carto/openstreetmap-carto.lua --style /home/postgresql/osm/openstreetmap-carto/ --multi-geometry -o /var/lib/mod_tile/dirty_tiles.19005 /var/lib/mod_tile/changes.osc.gz $ /usr/local/bin/osm2pgsql --version ============================================================================ osm2pgsql stalled at below line since two days. Please help. $ tail osm2pgsql.log |
Likely a problem with osm2pgsql's handling of complex multipolygons. If you can, upgrade to osm2pgsql 1.2 and the latest osmium version for building it, that should solve the issue. |
What were you using it to do? It looks like it's expiring tiles, but much more information is needed before anyone can take a guess about what the problem might be.
This is triggered through a crontab task which runs everyday and updates the Tile server. It has been running fine since many months but suddenly it stalled.
Is it safe to upgrade osm2pgsql ? I had setup this server around 2 years back.
Which command, with which options, was run via crontab? How much data were you trying to process? What tile zoom levels were you trying to expire?
To answer the other question, a later version of the same branch of osm2pgsql should be compatible with previous versions (apart from caveats around, say, old-style multipolygons). If you're consuming "normal" OSM data it shouldn't be a problem.
Below is the stalled process:
$ osm2pgsql -a --slim -e10-15 -d gis --flat-nodes /var/data/flat_nodes.bin --cache 2000 --number-processes 8 -G --hstore --tag-transform-script /home/postgresql/osm/openstreetmap-carto/openstreetmap-carto.lua --style /home/postgresql/osm/openstreetmap-carto/ --multi-geometry -o /var/lib/mod_tile/dirty_tiles.19005 /var/lib/mod_tile/changes.osc.gz
More details:
maxInterval = 259200