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Hi all. I uploaded a GPX track: how can I classify it as a footpath?

asked 21 Jun '20, 17:14

PaRi53's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please update your title and mention you want to classify a GPS trace as a footpath.

(22 Jun '20, 11:22) ahangarha

Raw GPS traces usually have far too much noise to use as ways directly in OSM. You will need to trace over the track in an editor like iD or JOSM.

In order for routing software to be able to direct people along the path it will have to share common nodes with each on the paths or roads it joins with.

There are some tutorials here, but the iD (default) editor is user friendly enough that you may not need them.

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answered 21 Jun '20, 18:30

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

In addition to other answers. If it is GPX trace that you have recorded while walking the path it would be useful if you also checked it's legal status by noticing if it has official footpath sign posts (designated) or it's local path that is well used (allowed) from local knowledge. It may have restrictions or be private. It's probably not good to map a path unless you walked it yourself and can add the status tagging. It is useful that you have uploaded the trace as ways mapped with using the average of multiple traces will be more accurate. Multiple trace are also useful for checking image background alignment.

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answered 24 Jun '20, 06:41

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 21 Jun '20, 17:14

question was seen: 1,288 times

last updated: 24 Jun '20, 06:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum