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I'm drawing roads in a new residential neighborhood. I'd like to temporarily insert an image of the plat map containing the roads as a guide while drawing. Can this be done?

asked 19 Jun '20, 17:10

jefflamonica's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Copyright wise you'd need to make sure the map is either aged into public domain (unlikely if new) or you have explicit permission of the copyright holder to put into OSM.

JOSM can do this with the relevant plugin, but to do something like this in browser you might need to (ab)use OsmInEdit or similar alternate editor.

iD can use custom imagery URLS, but you will probably need to re-project the map and have them cut up into tile and hosted somewhere if you want to go down this route.

permanent link

answered 19 Jun '20, 18:21

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 19 Jun '20, 18:23

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question asked: 19 Jun '20, 17:10

question was seen: 1,700 times

last updated: 19 Jun '20, 18:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum