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When showing updates (or changes in the Openstreetmap, referring to jungle rivers in Peru) on the GPS map Garmin Inreach Explorer+ device? I have an active account in

asked 14 Jun '20, 04:23

marysolmq's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Jun '20, 04:30

Not what you want to do but one of the older Garmins could display Custom Maps you could display updates very quickly see

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answered 18 Jun '20, 22:10

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

If there's a problem with the maps at not being up to date I'm afraid you'll need to talk to Garmin about it, as they are the ones that update that website. OpenStreetMap data itself is continually updated, but anyone creating maps on OpenStreetMap data will have to actively convert that data into whatever format the device itself needs.

A bit of web searching finds a couple of places linking to here, so that might be worth a look (I don't have one of these devices and haven't even watched the video, but the comments do look somewhat useful).

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answered 18 Jun '20, 20:36

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for the video, no problem syncing, happily. I think I found the same question on the Garmin forum. I'm going to try this link

(18 Jun '20, 21:20) marysolmq

I have not used this device and having done some research it probably isn't as versatile as the Oregon and Etrex devices which many OSM contributors have been using for nearly ten years. Maybe some mappers here have tried OSM downloads on the Inreach device and even if unsuccessful they will post an answer. The Inreach can't display Garmin Custom maps (jpeg/kmz) sorry I cannot help you. You should talk to Garmin. I found this on the net ........... Comment on your answer Mary. All maps made with openstreetmap data will only use the new data when they ( in this case Garmin, i guess) actually decide to up-date their map. I assume you paid for these maps so you could ask them when a new version will be made and when will it be issued. You could also ask how often they download the latest OSM data. for updates. It may only be two or three times a year. They may spend some time error checking their download of OSM data just in case there is fault due to an edit since their last version. We may think with modern technolgy updating OSM will instantly appear on all derivative versions of it but that isn't possible in most cases.

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answered 18 Jun '20, 12:30

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 18 Jun '20, 19:48

Thanks for your answer, my problem is that the OSM map on the Garmin Inreach GPS is not updated. For example, the river changes its course in the JPG (the url below). I tried to update on the OSM page, then synchronized my GPS with the Garmin Inreach page, but it’s not working.

(18 Jun '20, 19:23) marysolmq

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question asked: 14 Jun '20, 04:23

question was seen: 2,970 times

last updated: 18 Jun '20, 22:51

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