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Hi, I have a question about conflation in JOSM.

I want to merge info and shape of a multipolygon that represents a natural area using JOSM/Conflation plugin. The reference was imported and edited from an shp file and the subject is multipolygon object in an osm file. I prepare the merge (unlink multipolygon, configure matches and so on) and when I press conflate I see:

"The way to be replaced cannot have any nodes with properties or relation memberships unless they belong to both ways."

How can I see what elements are linked to the subject? This is, how can I know what are those nodes that block the merge?

asked 12 Jun '20, 15:11

mglbranco's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would start by visually following the polygon. In most cases, you will encounter an icon on one of the nodes. It is also possible that the node is coloured differently (I thought a white dot) when it has tags that do not lead to the display of an icon.

You can also select all nodes of the polygon (requires utilsplugin2): select polygon, CTRL-SHIFT-N Then search with tags:1- and "search in selection". This should find all nodes with at least one tag in the current selection

permanent link

answered 14 Jun '20, 07:10

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 12 Jun '20, 15:11

question was seen: 947 times

last updated: 14 Jun '20, 07:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum