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  1. A school for adults that offer evening courses in guitar, linedance, yoga, homeopathy, fishery inspection, mushroom foraging, etc...

Currently I have it set as office=educational_institution, because that is the least wrong option

  1. "Ungdomsmottagning" [Youth Clinic]; a government clinic for youths (13-25) that have medical trained staff (physical and psychological) for STD and pregnancy testing, acute contraceptive pills or IUD, and question regarding the body, sex, relations, mental health, alcohol, drugs, self-esteem, with other things.

Is it healthcare=clinic – healthcare:speciality=youth ?

  1. An government social facility specialized in domestic violence that offer individual conversations and group activities for any person age 4 and up, including emergency shelter.

Currently I just have it as a general amenity=social_facility

asked 11 Jun '20, 15:28

Christoffre's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Jun '20, 15:29

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question asked: 11 Jun '20, 15:28

question was seen: 1,427 times

last updated: 11 Jun '20, 15:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum