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OpenLayers 3+: 1. How to create markers/icons at the startpoint and end point automatically? 2. I'm using ol.layer.Vector with and and I wanna to set some HTML title for this text. I searched everywhere but without result. Information about it is here: but it doesn't work. So how can I add HTML title (something like this Some text) for layer/marker? 3. Can I mark/highlight every kilometer of measured route (GPX)? 4. I wanna create the segment from measured GPX: Click the mouse to start of the segment and the end of the segment (for example: the way to the store). And I want to save all these measured points of this segment to MySQL or file (for example export these lon+lat to html tag input - and submit).

Does anyone know anything?

asked 10 Jun '20, 18:32

djlj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This sounds like a question that should be asked on or it's sister StackExchange—GIS

To post there you'll generally need to post the code that you've got that doesn't work.

Here's a sample question on Stack Overflow

As a rank beginner with OL, I'd guess you're going to have to do the manipulation with JavaScript or developing the page in a framework like Ruby on Rails. I hope there is an easier answer.

permanent link

answered 10 Jun '20, 19:23

MtnBiker's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Jun '20, 18:32

question was seen: 1,601 times

last updated: 10 Jun '20, 19:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum