The Stollenwanderweg in Bad Bleiberg is a signposted hiking trail along which are historic mining features from Roman times to the early 19th Century (see ) One or two of the many adits have been recorded on the Data layer as "Man Made Features - Adit" but of course this doesn't show on the public map. Other features are mineral processing sites, water pumping features etc. As I guess this is all strictly Industrial Archaeology, would it be appropriate to mark the features on the trail with the "historic - archaeological site" marker? |
I don't know what you understand by "strictly Industrial Archaeology" but I have always assumed In the end it's a gray area but please avoid tagging something just to make it appear on the standard map on |
The hiking maps I make show adits. :) I would not worry about the renderer: If the feature is there (i.e. visible), map it the best you can. The life cycle prefix tagging scheme may be of help for those things that are visible but not used and probably in various states of decay. If there are informational signs describing the features, definitely map those. |
when using the tagging described on, they features show up on the map. There is a section for mine shafts, adits, etc.