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alt textHi all! I'm using topomap since a while, and love it. But since a few weeks, a large area in Belgium turns blank (completly white) when I zoom above half scale. I downloaded again the last version, but no change. Anything I can do? I'm using garmin base camp on win7 pro. Thanks for your help. JP

asked 09 Jun '20, 19:26

JPM58's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jun '20, 19:38


I presume you've downloaded an OSM-based Garmin map from somewhere - where was that? There are lots of different sites, and they all create different maps.

(09 Jun '20, 19:28) SomeoneElse ♦

quick response! Here's the link I followed:

(09 Jun '20, 19:32) JPM58

If that area displays before zooming in it probably is NOT a fault of OSM data or the opentopomap download, perhaps Basecamp is the problem, try a reinstall of that. If you have a Garmin GPS does the .img file display and work as expected?

permanent link

answered 10 Jun '20, 11:12

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%


Hi Andy, thanks for your advise. I checked this morning on my Garminmap 66 and yes it works! I should have checked this first! I'll make a Basecamp reinstall with new file. Thanks to All for your help

(10 Jun '20, 11:26) JPM58

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question asked: 09 Jun '20, 19:26

question was seen: 1,585 times

last updated: 10 Jun '20, 11:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum