Hi, I've set up Nominatim on an Ubuntu server using the installation documentation. However, it is unclear to me how I actually access this server to geocode. For example, if I wanted to use the python geocoder package (https://geocoder.readthedocs.io/providers/OpenStreetMap.html), how do I actually access my version of Nominatim? As in, what is the URL I should be directing my search towards? Any help or guideance would be appreciated. |
Hi @mtmail, due to a bug in the website I am unable to view your most recent comment with new troubleshooting suggestions. Are you able to view it and repost it as an answer? |
It depends a bit how the webserver got setup. With http://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/appendix/Install-on-Ubuntu-20/#setting-up-the-apache-webserver it's likely http://server-ip-address/nominatim/search.php and you should be able to open that in a browser. For the python module it should be http://server-ip-address/nominatim/ because it adds /search.php or /reverse.php itself. Thanks for this clear answer. The browser address does load a very simple page. Doing 'http://[server-ip]/nominatim' gets me the same "url does not exist" error that I'd been getting. However, when I add 'search.php' to the end of it, I get a "500 server error," but I'm not sure what could be going wrong. Any ideas of a common reason for this problem?
(09 Jun '20, 16:50)
The webserver logfile should show the full error. On Ubuntu look into /var/log/apache2/error.log There is also http://[server-ip]/nominatim/status.php which might have pointers and the
(09 Jun '20, 16:52)
Okay, so the error.log file says "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" and the status.php page says Database query failed. I also don't see a check_nominatim_finished script in utils... But I'm pretty sure Nominatim installed correctly and the map extract I used (just north america) finished importing
(09 Jun '20, 19:01)
I mixed up the name, it's
(09 Jun '20, 19:05)
Oh strange, that file isn't there either, so I must have installed an older version (although I started this process last week). I'd been playing around with the nominatim.conf file earlier - the director line is "/srv/nominatim/build/website" and the alias line is the same with the alias as /nominatim. Seems correct? (/srv/nominatim is where my build directory is) Thanks for your help with this - I feel like I'm really close!
(09 Jun '20, 19:18)
Looks alright. I have mine in
(09 Jun '20, 19:20)
I also tried changing my baseURl in local.php from /nominatim to http://[my-ip]/nominatim/ but that didn't help either. Any other ideas?
(09 Jun '20, 19:29)
You can use
(10 Jun '20, 01:56)
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