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I've a English speaker and bicycle rider, I have a Sigma Rox 12.0 GPS but the OSM language of maps are local and I can't change their languages to English! I tried many many...! how can to change them to English!

Help, pleaseee. Thanks!

asked 08 Jun '20, 16:57

JANET-T's gravatar image

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All objects in OSM are named in the local language. Names of many major POIs will also be available in English and other languages but the degree of English names being present varies significantly between regions and types of POIs.

That having said it is on Sigma to make the additional language information available. Should you not receive any response here (a help site on the underlying data, not on the devices using them) you should contact Sigma customer support or find a suitable forum on Sigma products.

(08 Jun '20, 20:00) TZorn

Tobi thank you for your message. I connected with Sigma company they said I should contact with OSM! you mean I can't change the language of map?? how the riders can use the devices if travel or have a competition in another country?!

(08 Jun '20, 22:29) JANET-T

OpenStreetMap is in the first place a huge collection of geographic data. OpenStreetMap as such is not a map. There are other people that will take this data to generate maps, routers, apps, analysis tools etc. Each map maker can chose what to display and in what language. There are many examples for maps out there that do show names in English or any other language.

So again: Sigma is one of those parties taking the OSM data and creating a map from it. Maybe they are using a third party to do that for them. But in any case it is on Sigma or that third party to make the languages available to you as a user.

(09 Jun '20, 08:08) TZorn

Many applications using OpenStreetMap data do show labels in non-local language if available. For example if you look at the Cycling layer on the main page you should see that many city names in Russia are shown in both Latin and Cyrillic script:

So if a particular application chooses not to do this, it's up to the application, not OpenStreetMap.

(09 Jun '20, 08:15) alan_gr

More information about "I connected with Sigma company they said I should contact with OSM" might be useful - if they want help about creating maps in different languages, they could ask here themselves.

(09 Jun '20, 14:49) SomeoneElse ♦

But I don't have the email address of OSM! IF I have it I can contact with them, with this situation I can't use my device!!

(09 Jun '20, 15:03) JANET-T

You are already at OSM here, no need for another OSM email address! Our response is that Sigma needs to provide the functionality to display different languages. We cannot change their devices/software.

If they don't know how to do that they can come here to get some guidance. So you can go back to them and point them to this discussion.

(09 Jun '20, 15:22) TZorn
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question asked: 08 Jun '20, 16:57

question was seen: 1,292 times

last updated: 09 Jun '20, 15:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum