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Can I get notified if another OSM mapper performed any edits to one of my changestes even if he didn't write a comment for me?


asked 07 Jun '20, 19:35

ArtOfTheTrek_Sayyed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Something on the list of monitoring tools might suit your needs.

permanent link

answered 07 Jun '20, 19:47

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

I have found options for monitoring users, objects, and tags. But I need to monitor my changestes and getting notified when any user does edits on my changesets so that I can check if that edit is correct or wrong and making sure of that data on my maps are correct.

(08 Jun '20, 22:52) ArtOfTheTrek...

Monitoring your changeset is a quite complicated task since objects change, get split etc and thus it is difficult to determine what belonged to your chanageset after a while.

I'm using the Whodidit tool on the linked page to monitor what happens in the area I'm most active. Others use OSMCHA for that purpose. These tools will show you also other edits but for me it's a good way to find problematic edits in my area.

Also have a look at this answer to an older question where I described the situation in a bit more detail: questions 72340

(09 Jun '20, 08:02) TZorn

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question asked: 07 Jun '20, 19:35

question was seen: 1,130 times

last updated: 09 Jun '20, 08:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum