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I am sure it is trivial but I have not yet been successful adding a "bridge=yes" across a stream. My best interpretation of the Wikis is to split the way for the road and create a way for the bridge between two Nodes. I do not want to create a more complex "man_made" bridge but would like to see a parallel line on each side of the road symbolizing a bridge when rendered. But, all I seem to get is a complete "interruption" of the road with no indication of any connection between the two road fragments. Is creating a simple bridge really that difficult? In my area, many true bridges are entered with the stream simply going under a road through a tunnel. Perhaps, these errors are due to remote "mappers" working from aerial imagery rather than from local knowledge? I would like to correct these errors and add additional information in OSM in my area if I am ever able to get a bridge to render correctly. Thank you, Harrison S

asked 07 Jun '20, 17:46

Harrison%20S's gravatar image

Harrison S
accept rate: 0%

For a bridge you split the way at the start and end of the bridge portions and add the bridge=* tag to the bridge section. Other tags should be maintained where they remain the same as the main road segments.

Culverts are added in a similar manner but by splitting the waterway. Large culverts and small bridges often looking very similar from a distance.

You should probably set an appropriate layer tag too. Don't be too concerned with the renderer's output.

For basic editing tasks like this you may want to refer to tutorials such as those on LearnOSM.

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answered 07 Jun '20, 18:08

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%


Just to add the the point above about "other tags should be maintained" is important - the "interruption" you describe sounds like you may have removed other tags. A highway=secondary, for example, is still tagged as highway=secondary when crossing a bridge.

(07 Jun '20, 18:45) alan_gr

You are correct that you split the road way at either end of where the bridge is. Then on the segment that is the bridge, tag it with bridge=yes and layer=1

I don't know what editor you are using, but it should be a pretty easy operation.

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answered 07 Jun '20, 17:55

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Thank you alan_gr and stf: When I did it correctly, it even rendered as I wanted! I am sure it is unrelated but I did experience some JOSM "issues" when I added "lanes=" and "layer=" but was able to overcome them. Apparently, my initial error was basically leaving the "highway=residential" off the way I added for the "bridge=yes". Both must be required to render correctly. Thank you, Harrison S

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answered 07 Jun '20, 20:52

Harrison%20S's gravatar image

Harrison S
accept rate: 0%


Ahhh. Using JOSM.

In JOSM you can add a point on the existing highway on either end of the bridge. Then shift-click to select both point. Once selected use the "p" short cut to split the way. Doing this will duplicated all the tags (lanes, surface, name, etc.) on the newly created way. The you can simply add the bridge and layer tag.

Doing it that way will also properly update any relations (bus routes, highway routes, etc.) that used the way.

Much easier and safer than creating a new way from scratch and then trying to get all the existing tags copied over and put the new way into all the various relations that use the existing road.

(07 Jun '20, 21:03) n76

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question asked: 07 Jun '20, 17:46

question was seen: 2,618 times

last updated: 07 Jun '20, 21:03

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