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Tried to revert this changeset, but JOSM tells me to resolve errors first. But the error list is empty. Anybody knows why?

asked 07 Jun '20, 16:50

rene78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It seems to be working for me. One object has a conflict that can be resolved.

But why do you see it necessary to revert this changeset in the first place?

(07 Jun '20, 20:23) TZorn

I translated some of the POI names and they mostly just depict something, that is already on the map, e.g. the first one named "Ferrari" and is located at Ferrari world in Abu Dhabi, which of course is already mapped. Spot checked some more of the entries and most of them seem to be of the same type.

(07 Jun '20, 20:35) rene78

As well as reverting (and some of these do just look like personal markers) I'd also try and help them what OSM is too. Example message:

"Hello and welcome to OpenStreetMap!

You may not be aware, but when you edit OpenStreetMap you're editing a map that everyone can see, not just your personal copy. Please do continue editing, but please do only add things that are verifiable on the ground. If you want to add a personal bookmark to MAPS.ME you can - just select the thing that you want to bookmark and select "menu" and then "bookmark".

Best Regards,


(07 Jun '20, 21:05) SomeoneElse ♦

Thanks for the hint. The reply rate on Maps.Me edit comments seems to be close to zero though. At least that was my experience in the past.

PS: The revert still doesn't work for me.

(08 Jun '20, 08:08) rene78

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question asked: 07 Jun '20, 16:50

question was seen: 826 times

last updated: 08 Jun '20, 08:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum