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I am currently retracing the coastline of Sulawesi Island ID in a shp file format. I am using 21 near cloud-free L8 scenes. Prior to my work Sulawesi Island coastline consisted of 86,000 vectors, some very rough coastline depictions, others better. Currently I have completed coastline work in 14 of the L8 scenes adding 24,000 new vertices. My work attempts a more consistent coastline (i.e. mangrove areas are part of the new coastline, river mouth is coastline mapped to enable easy river to coastline connection, man-made port features are mapped for reference only. I have 7 more L8 scenes to trace prior to completion. When I complete this new coastline, how will I upload it into OSM Editor? Who gets to evaluate my work to ensure my improvements are worthy of inclusion? I have a few more weeks of work before I am finished. Would appreciate feedback. This is a first major upgrade I am offering to the Map. I am an excellent tracer and have fashioned many Landsat derived maps. (See

asked 05 Jun '20, 23:36

pjminton's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First off, let me commend you for taking the time to contribute to OSM. The coastlines that exist in our map are generally very poor. Better than nothing but still pretty awful. I have re-traced hundreds of miles of jagged coastline in Alaska but there's so much left to do that I fear the work will never be finished.

There is a plugin you can use from within our JOSM editor (named opendata) that opens and imports shapefiles quite well. I generally import shapefiles into a separate layer and then transfer the lines/ways or relations one by one (copy then paste at source position), adjusting and conflating boundaries, etc., to my working data layer as I go.

I should add that the ways comprising Sulawesi's coastline are complex and sometimes define boundaries and even geographical features like bays and straits. These will have to be dealt with during your processing.

There might be others who have more specific information and some cautionary advice to offer but what you propose to do IMO will be a valuable addition to the OSM project. Good luck.

Maybe I could talk you into fixing Alaskan coastlines for your next project.

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answered 06 Jun '20, 01:11

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Thanks for the answer. Nice to meet a kindred mapper. Coastlines that are poor representations of the actual coastline drive me nuts. Am enjoying my work on Sulawesi. Might reconnect when I get ready to upload it into OSM. Thanks again.

(06 Jun '20, 06:08) pjminton

Hi Pjminton. Also thanks from my side. But let me put in few words of advise:

AlaskaDave has described what tools you could use. But adding large amounts of lines is not as simple as it sounds. Dave hinted that there are already tons of other information existing on the coast lines. So you cannot just delete the old ones and use your new ones. You would destroy valuable information added by other mappers. It sounds you are pretty new to OSM. In that case I would first do some other basic mapping in OSM to get familiar with the workflow and the mechanics. It might even be easier to trace directly in JOSM than trying to do the step via shape files.

Secondly, you need to oblige to the OSM and the provider of your pictures' copyright terms. I have no clue what L8 scenes are but before uploading anything to OSM you need the permission of the rights holders to publish under OSM licensing terms.

Please read the import guidelines before continuing what you do.

(06 Jun '20, 07:37) TZorn

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question asked: 05 Jun '20, 23:36

question was seen: 1,183 times

last updated: 06 Jun '20, 07:37

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