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I am working on a multiplatform mobile application dedicated to road navigation using openstreetmap and the ionic framework. This application aims to find the shortest path between two points based on the dijkstra algorithm but with an optimized version (of this algorithm).

so I'm supposed to have a computer representation (matrix representation ...) of my road network. for this, the question that arises is:

  • Will I need to download the raw map data from openstreetmap to integrate it into a database then use it (transform it into a computer representation inside my application script so that I can then apply the shortest path algorithm).

"In this case, and since I work in a JavaScript environment, the OpenStreetMap site directed me towards the use of the node-osmium library, but this library presents a lot of ambiguous errors during its installation."


  • Find an API that allows me to use geographic data without having downloaded it from openstreetmap.

for both cases, what do you offer me as tools.

Thanks for your help.

asked 05 Jun '20, 13:03

hassiba-tb's gravatar image

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question asked: 05 Jun '20, 13:03

question was seen: 1,210 times

last updated: 05 Jun '20, 13:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum