Hello from Crete, in the "osmand apk" the area / district of Plakias (in the South of Crete) is designated as "Agia Galini". This is wrong. The right designation is "Agios Vasilios"! Can you guys please fix it? Efkaristo! |
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Hello from Crete, in the "osmand apk" the area / district of Plakias (in the South of Crete) is designated as "Agia Galini". This is wrong. The right designation is "Agios Vasilios"! Can you guys please fix it? Efkaristo! |
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question asked: 27 May '20, 16:41
question was seen: 450 times
last updated: 28 May '20, 16:09
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Are you talking about the way a region is displayed, or how it is labelled for download?
According to Nominatim: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?osmtype=N&osmid=256817833&class=place it is in the Agios Vasilios Municipality. The relation for that municipality was last updated 6 months ago. Perhaps OsmAnd does something wrong or maybe your data is older than 6 months?
@ InsertUser: the wrong region is displayed in the apk. Download was from here: https://download.osmand.net/download?standard=yes&file=Greece_europe_2.obf.zip (01.05.20)
@ escada: as mentioned the download is from 01.05.20. The region where I'm living WAS called "Dimos Foinikas". Some years ago it changed in "Dimos Agios Vasilios". ("Dimos" = "Municipality")
Depending to the translation it's "Vasileios" or "Vasilios". (not easy with so many different "i" in greek) ;)
As the data seems correct in OSM (that's what Nominatim uses) and you have the most recent data from OsmAnd, OsmAnd somehow makes a mistake. So IMHO we ("you guys" aka the OSM community of mappers) cannot fix it, but you have to contact the OsmAnd team (see their website).
Dear OSM community of mappers! ;) Ok, I understand! (sorry.. it's all new for me.) I'll inform the OsmAnd team.