The question has been closed for the following reason "OtherThis is blatant astroturfing." by TomH 11 Jul '10, 15:04
Make the search bedder... "Allensbach, Kapplerbergstraße" --> Ne Results, but its a real street Where can I finde the date of the last data-update? Is the routing-demo new? I have never herad about it. Integrate the Routing to the start-page. answered 11 Jul '10, 14:58 DennisB |
It's good enough. Integrate it in the main site. answered 11 Jul '10, 14:08 Nic |
Fix the directions. Describe the starting direction better, give a summary and mention that the end point is on the left or the right. answered 11 Jul '10, 14:02 Nic |
Stop hiding it in the layers and make it more prominent. answered 11 Jul '10, 14:00 Nic |
I've closed this because it's not really an appropriate question in the first place - this is to the place to solicit feedback about your applications which happen to use OpenStreetMap data.
On top of that posting four answers to your own question is blatant astroturfing.