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From an OpenStreetMap site I can extract an URL which has for example this form:

I can also rightcklick on the map an then "show address", it shows the coordinates with an separating comma: 48.78642, 9.05533. But when I copy and paste it, there is more: !

But this all is not the syntax to type in in the search field, which should be (as far as I know) of the form: 50°8'7"N,7°8'7"E or 48.641956, 9.474610 .

How can I extract from a given site the coordinates which I or another person can directly type into the search field, i.e. the pure coordinates (without "www.openstreet..." and so) ?

asked 24 May '20, 18:48

Archiver's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 May '20, 13:42


When I do the rightclick/show addresses you suggest I can select and copy that coordinates pair as you have done: 8.78642, 9.05533. If I enter that into the search bar it will show me that location. Actually, doing the rightclick/show addresses already prefills the search with this coordinate pair in my case.

What is it what is not working for you?

(25 May '20, 14:14) TZorn

I must admit that I only saw the coordinates below the Title "Suchergebnisse von Internal" (engl.: search results): blue, a link. But you are right: The search field is also prefilled with those coordinates (black, plain text).

These are the "pure coordinates" I searched for, but I didn't search in the search field. Funny.

Thank you for your hint.

(26 May '20, 15:26) Archiver


Right click the position > show address > coordinates will be prefilled in search field > copy from seach field.

So easy ...

permanent link

answered 26 May '20, 15:32

Archiver's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 May '20, 15:44

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question asked: 24 May '20, 18:48

question was seen: 3,144 times

last updated: 26 May '20, 15:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum