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I have started editing the map data in my area (, mostly adding/correcting some of the many footpaths.

However, I have an olive grove for which I have added a lot more detail in JOSM: terrace walls, stairways, sheds, ramps etc. This is a lot more detail than the surrounding areas and is mostly only of interest to me... although my land is open access and walkers do pass through it. Everything I have added is physically present and often visible in the imagery.

So should I upload this to OSM? Should I upload and ask for a review (how do I do that from JOSM?)

asked 23 May '20, 10:39

Gregw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Gregw, Map what is, what can I say more ? Details are every detail you can see, what about, width of ways, surface of ways, lit=yes if available For buildings please read the Wiki pages about it all to tag it right and enjoy.

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answered 23 May '20, 11:10

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Yes, please add as much detail that you feel comfortable doing. I am part of the group doing curb cutouts and sidewalks. I also have fund with railways, switches, derails, signals, individual trees. I see so much and know that I will never get to map it all.

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answered 24 May '20, 03:25

Natfoot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 May '20, 10:39

question was seen: 1,361 times

last updated: 24 May '20, 03:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum