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How about, because I get the following error, followed the instructions but I can not continue

/srv/nominatim/Nominatim/build$ ./utils/update.php --import-osmosis-all Currently at sequence 2617 (18/05/2020 18:04:47) - 1 indexed '/home/ubuntu3/.local/bin/pyosmium-get-changes' --server '' --outfile '/srv/nominatim/Nominatim/build/osmosischange.osc' --size 30 '--start-id' 2617 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ubuntu3/.local/bin/pyosmium-get-changes", line 257, in <module> exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) File "/home/ubuntu3/.local/bin/pyosmium-get-changes", line 237, in main outhandler = WriteHandler(options.outfile) RuntimeError: Open failed for '/srv/nominatim/Nominatim/build/osmosischange.osc': Permission denied

asked 21 May '20, 17:41

marianightcrawler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The script should be run as user 'nominatim'. The error says /home/ubuntu3/.local/bin/pyosmium-get-changes so I think you installed and ran pyosmium as user ubuntu3.

The documentation should be improved. "same user who will later run the updates" isn't clear enough in that context.

permanent link

answered 21 May '20, 19:06

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 21 May '20, 17:41

question was seen: 1,528 times

last updated: 21 May '20, 19:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum