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I am working on a project to provide more granular data for hiking trails to benefit users with mobility challenges (e.g. wheelchair, prosthetic, heart condition, etc.) In doing so, I've captured local geodata at a much more granular level than at individual Nodes along a given Way on OSM. I've done this with a few Attributes, but one good example is Incline. I believe I can use "Incline=" x in percent, but that attribute then applies to the entire way. Is there a capability to somehow assign a sequence of slope values (perhaps evenly distributed) along the way? I've seen some usage of "max=" for the Incline key, but that won't work for this project.

I'm new to OSM, so thank you all in advance!

asked 20 May '20, 17:13

TrailAbilities's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In OSM it is pretty common to split a way where a characteristic changes. For roads that may be the type of pavement, number of lanes, speed limit, etc.

So there is nothing wrong in splitting a hiking trail where the grade changes (or other criteria like surface or smoothness) so that you can tag the specific sections appropriately.

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answered 20 May '20, 19:22

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Thank you for your answer. Would the splitting of the way need to be done anywhere any characteristic changes? For example, if tracking 5 characteristics, then a change to any one of them would lead to a new split? I think that's what you are saying, and it makes sense.

I'm actually hoping for a way to deal with very dense characteristic changes...such as slope on an undulating hiking trail. If each change to the slope requires a new way, it could lead to a large number of ways (probably not desirable for many other use cases).

Perhaps I'll look into whether hosting the (very granular) data with a third party (while keeping it open source) in a separate layer is a possibility. Thanks again, and I look forward to any other ideas from the community!

(20 May '20, 20:44) TrailAbilities

OSM doesn't store a DEM. As an end-user, I might be more interested in gradient between two particular objects, or on a segment that is already splited for its major differing propoerties. Of course, changes between up, down, and flat should be recorded, as well as stairs, edges, and any significantly sharp changes. For values varying in between, it is ultimately up to your judgement on how micro you want your micro-mapping steps to be. There should be other projects aiming to produce the most detailed, fine-grained elevation data. You can definitely contribute to both.

(22 May '20, 11:46) Kovoschiz

I think when stf says "it is pretty common" it could be better stated by saying that "the only way" to do what you wish is to split the way whenever any characteristic changes. Each change in slope won't require a "new way" as you indicate in your reply but each would require the way to be split. This makes it possible for such changes to be detected by a sufficiently intelligent rendering engine.

If several characteristics change in the same area, then indeed the original way could end up as many smaller pieces that are still connected but each with its own collection of attributes.

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answered 21 May '20, 01:56

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 20 May '20, 17:13

question was seen: 1,829 times

last updated: 22 May '20, 11:49

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