Hello, I have downloaded land polygons from https://osmdata.openstreetmap.de/download/land-polygons-split-4326.zip The data seems to be nice ordered in cells of size one degree. I however have a problem, that there is used a certain overlap-area between each cell. I would need the splitted land-polygons without this overlap. Is it possible for me to generate such polygons with osmcoastline ? If so any tips on roadmap ? Options to osmcoastline etc. Best regards HÃ¥vard Holm |
You'll find the manual for osmcoastline at https://docs.osmcode.org/osmcoastline/latest/osmcoastline.html . See the --bbox-overlap option. You can also have a look at the scripts in https://github.com/fossgis/osmdata/tree/master/scripts/coastline . These are the scripts behind the web site which does splitting a bit differently then the osmcoastline-internal splitting. |