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I am working on a route planning application and I would like to used your REST API, but I need to know if your API allows you to enter a vehicle, start and end of the route, waypoints of up to 80 in the request. The start and end of the route + waypoints will be in Lat Lon format. This planed route will be use for country The Czech Republic.

The result of the response should include: a) Total distance traveled b) Waypoints re-order so as to minimize travel costs.

I don't need to display a map and the number of requests does not exceed 500 per month.

Thank you very much for your answer

asked 15 May '20, 21:13

Milan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is no "your API" in this cases, the routing engines demoed on are kindly provided by third parties.

Direct API access and available features needs to be discussed with the operators directly (AFAIK all them allow via-points and 500 queries sounds low). Multiple of the routing engines are open source software so you in principle could run one yourself, but with 500 queries/month that is unlikely to make sense.

See for more information.

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answered 16 May '20, 09:02

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thank you very much for link, may I'll find some sollution.

(16 May '20, 11:27) Milan

Note that the Fossgis OSRM may work for you, OSM API documentation

(16 May '20, 11:45) SimonPoole ♦

To SimonPoole: Thank you for your tip i have already sent e-mail to with my requests.

(16 May '20, 12:19) Milan

AFAIK the OSRM project no longer has a working public instance. so you really need to talk to FOSSGIS that operates

(16 May '20, 12:36) SimonPoole ♦

Routing engines will only gives you the route of the locations in the given order. To obtain the minimized trip, your are actually looking for tools solving Vehicle Routing Problems :

Various open source projects are available at this purpose and maintained by private companies, which provides APIs for theses projects.

Note: my opinion may be oriented as I work at Mapotempo.

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answered 18 May '20, 09:32

Sheeplieder's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Worth noting that OSRM does have a simple TSP solver built in, though it's much more rudimentary than the above.

(18 May '20, 12:39) Richard ♦

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question asked: 15 May '20, 21:13

question was seen: 5,253 times

last updated: 18 May '20, 12:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum