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Hello, I have a question about where this instruction is placed in which directory or file? Webserver setup The website/ directory in the build directory contains the configured website. Include the directory into your webbrowser to serve php files from there.

Configure for use with Apache Make sure your Apache configuration contains the required permissions for the directory and create an alias:

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This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 15 May '20, 19:54

edderantonio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This kind of depends on your Apache setup. On Ubuntu or Debian machines, you will typically have a directory /etc/apache2/sites-available and in it files for every virtual host (or if you're not using any virtual hosts, you could use the 000-default file). Place the code from the Nominatim docs inside the <Virtualhost> block.

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answered 15 May '20, 20:17

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 15 May '20, 20:17

I appreciate the answer, but these two instructions come in the nomination documentation:

1.- Configure Apache web server You must create an alias for the website directory in your apache configuration. Add a separate nominatim configuration to your web server: sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/nominatim.conf << EOFAPACHECONF <directory "$userhome="" nominatim="" build="" website"=""> Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews AddType text/html .php DirectoryIndex search.php Require all granted </directory>

Alias /nominatim $USERHOME/Nominatim/build/website EOFAPACHECONF

2.- Web server configuration The website / directory in the build directory contains the configured website. Include the directory in your web browser to serve php files from there.

Configure for use with Apache Make sure your Apache configuration contains the necessary permissions for the directory and create an alias:

<directory "="" srv="" nominatim="" build="" website"=""> Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews AddType text/html .php DirectoryIndex search.php Require all granted </directory> Alias /nominatim /srv/nominatim/build/website

the second instruction is the one I don't know where it is placed

(15 May '20, 20:41) edderantonio

I appreciate the answer, but these two instructions come in the nomination documentation:

1.- Configure Apache web server You must create an alias for the website directory in your apache configuration. Add a separate nominatim configuration to your web server:

alt text

2.- Web server configuration The website / directory in the build directory contains the configured website. Include the directory in your web browser to serve php files from there.

Configure for use with Apache Make sure your Apache configuration contains the necessary permissions for the directory and create an alias:

alt text

the second instruction is the one I don't know where it is placed

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answered 15 May '20, 20:39

edderantonio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The second configuration goes into the file /etc/apache2/conf-available/nominatim.conf. It's the same as the first only $USERNAME is replaced by '/src/nominatim'. Then run the command sudo a2enconf nominatim. This will create a symlink with the same filename into the directory /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/. Next run sudo systemctl restart apache2. This will start the Apache webserver. Now you should see the website on 'http://localhost/nominatim/search.php'. Check the Apache logfile, usually /var/log/apache2/error.log for errors. If the file '/etc/apache2/ports.conf' lists a different port, e.g. 9999, then the URL would be 'http://localhost:9999/nominatim/search.php' Replace 'localhost' by the IP address of the server when accessing from a browser.

(16 May '20, 00:54) mtmail

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question asked: 15 May '20, 19:54

question was seen: 3,886 times

last updated: 16 May '20, 00:54

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