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When importing OSM data into one's own Nominatim DB, is there a way to configure the level of granularity of geographic data to support in it? I'd really benefit from cutting import times if that's so, since I can do with a much coarser resolution in search results for my use case. I really only need city-level responses, but I'm not even sure if that makes sense conceptually.

Thank you!

asked 14 May '20, 20:46

Shai's gravatar image

accept rate: 0% explains how to choose countries and how to filter data, e.g. not importing streets and house numbers.

permanent link

answered 14 May '20, 20:49

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Excellent, thanks!

(14 May '20, 21:07) Shai

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question asked: 14 May '20, 20:46

question was seen: 1,749 times

last updated: 14 May '20, 21:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum