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In Fuerteventura and also on other Canary Islands, some areas are flooded with brown color at zoom levels above 14 - like described here.

If you go around Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura), Arrecife (Lanzarote) you will see it there.

I assume it comes from this relation which was created by me with JOSM. Unfortunately, when clicking on it, it doesn't show where it is positioned and thus I can't remove it. JOSM even warned me before uploading with an error, and when clicking on "zoom into the problem", nothing happened. So, I thought "nothing shows up, so it won't be this bad ..." :-(. What's to do?

asked 12 May '20, 21:34

uwespeed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 May '20, 23:39

It wasn't you that caused it, it was another mapper, and it was fixed in What you're seeing are just some old tiles that will be re-rendered in a few days.

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answered 12 May '20, 21:43

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 12 May '20, 21:44

Ok, thanks. Good to know :-). Strangely it seemed to appear for me (relatively?) short after I uploaded my changes.

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answered 12 May '20, 22:07

uwespeed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 May '20, 23:40

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question asked: 12 May '20, 21:34

question was seen: 1,227 times

last updated: 13 May '20, 19:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum