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Using Id editor I am trying to 'join' two connected roads with same name. I 'shift select' the two roads and then try a join 'C' and get the above error. Any ideas. thanks

asked 12 May '20, 15:44

Craftycockney's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Would you share the relevant ways ? Maybe they are not really connected, only really close ?

(12 May '20, 15:56) H_mlet

Walker Mews, Llanishen, Cardiff, Wales . Edited 17 days ago by Craftycockney Version #7 · Changeset #84465244

(18 May '20, 13:28) Craftycockney

Searching around the forum suggests that you cant 'join' a Y shaped road configuration. Sorry just seen your response H_mlet. Walker Mews, Llanishen, Cardiff, Wales . Edited 17 days ago by Craftycockney Version #7 · Changeset #84465244

permanent link

answered 18 May '20, 13:25

Craftycockney's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 May '20, 13:27

Indeed, in OSM a way is a sequence of nodes. Linear, or circular if the end is the same as the beginning. But multiple ways will be used to represent a single road, with a shared "name" tag usually.

You can find more details about the OSM data model in the wiki.


(18 May '20, 14:21) H_mlet

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question asked: 12 May '20, 15:44

question was seen: 1,614 times

last updated: 18 May '20, 14:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum