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Horse paddocks in the UK are increasingly being separated by single-wire/tape electrified fences. Where a right of way passes through the paddock detachable elasticated sections are provided which can be unhooked to pass and then reattached afterwards. How should this be tagged?

asked 31 Aug '11, 17:03

John%20and%20Felicity's gravatar image

John and Fel...
accept rate: 0%

These fences can be moved to rest the grass and /or create separate paddocks so OSM is the only map that as any chance of mapping them.I agree with gnurk's tagging advice

(31 Aug '11, 23:05) andy mackey

I've used barrier=gate for these. Even if they don't look like gates looked like in the old good days it tells the map user what the functionality is.

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answered 31 Aug '11, 20:47

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I am not from UK and have never seen the object you describe, but barrier=gate should be fine, but barrier=chain would probably describe it more precisely.
In some cases a system with new key-value pair for each level of precision developed. In this case it would be barrier=gate + gate=*, It has the advantage of saying there is a gate in a way understandable for everyone and what type of gate it is for those who are interested...

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answered 31 Aug '11, 20:57

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

edited 01 Sep '11, 00:24


The ones I've seen here in Sweden look more like the "Gate Handle Kit with 5m Spring" found here:

Thus, it's springs - not chains.

(31 Aug '11, 21:09) gnurk

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question asked: 31 Aug '11, 17:03

question was seen: 6,979 times

last updated: 01 Sep '11, 00:24

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