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In UK due to land use changes the definitive "Rights of Way" do not always follow the actual path. Eg square meadow - right of way two sides of square - signed as such - but no evidence on ground. Path through meadow seen on ground as going diagonally across field.

Even when there is no alternative route how do you show the difference between a right of way that is actually visible on the ground and one that although has legal existance and is signed has no physical presence - eg across moorland - My thoughts spring to a Right of Way in Yorkshire that descends a near vertical rock-fact beside a waterfall it exists on the map and you see the intrepid using it but beside that nothing.

asked 31 Aug '11, 16:59

John%20and%20Felicity's gravatar image

John and Fel...
accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Sep '11, 02:13

dieterdreist's gravatar image


Re the access question, I encountered something like that here. The paths in that field are burnt into the stubble by the farmer (and are the most convenient for walkers to use given that they join the corners). That's not, however, where the footpath signs point, so I added the burnt paths as "footway" with no designation and the signed right of way (which didn't at the time coincide with any path).

It's arguable whether the "foot=yes" really belongs on the "designation" way with "foot=permissive" on the actual path.

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answered 01 Sep '11, 22:38

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I would agree with someoneelses answer but Note a lot footpath sign posts are circular and can get rotated as you may well have experienced. They don't always agree with the definitive map (UK rights way law) and other GB maps. The lawful right of way will often go straight through the crop often sprayed to kill a one metre wide path by the farmer to comply with rules,this as arisen as there will have been,long ago, a grass path next to the hedge long uprooted to make big machine friendly fields.During autumn when just ploughed and when they are sticky mud the field edges will get used instead

(02 Sep '11, 13:24) andy mackey

Combination of surface, visibility and perhaps SAC scale should cover this case.

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answered 31 Aug '11, 21:03

LM_1's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

In Access land although it is all technically footpath,Walkers need usable routes across it to avoid boggy bits or to find bridges or exits into other areas to set aiming bearings for their compass or to follow on their mapping GPS so these need mapping

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answered 02 Sep '11, 13:33

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 31 Aug '11, 16:59

question was seen: 7,512 times

last updated: 04 Sep '11, 02:13

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