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team building camps are camps where companies can go to do stuff together as a team and have lectures. for example there is one in Mysen it has buildings and soccer field and other stuff on it. I am not affiliated with it, I am just curious how to tag this type of area and buildings. I think School would be wrong tag to use. There does not seem to be a tag fot this.

asked 10 May '20, 05:58

mtbboy1993's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 May '20, 05:59

I'm afraid the best match would be some subkey of amenity=community_centre.

I use it for children summer camps venues. I guess what the facility you describe are analogous for adults.

The more "private" alternative amenity=events_venue could match as well.

You might want to start a discussion on the tagging ML, as I don't think it has ever been brought up.

permanent link

answered 12 May '20, 15:16

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

this is definitely only for adults, it's focusing team building for firms,federations, and much more, basically everywhere people work as a team, even the police.

(13 May '20, 07:34) mtbboy1993

I haven't tried that before. I see emails are public displayed I hope I can hide it, I don't want people to see my email adress for security reasons. I see in the archive people's E mail are listed.

(13 May '20, 07:40) mtbboy1993

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question asked: 10 May '20, 05:58

question was seen: 1,374 times

last updated: 13 May '20, 07:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum